It’s that time of year again! You might ask: American Institute of Architects Conference or Pride Month? What if I said… BOTH??? weeeeeee
How many emotions do you see mixed up in my face in that screenshot of me?
Excitement! I’ll be part of an ongoing conversation with the co-editors and co-authors of Out in Architecture, a book that a bunch of queers in architecture (and architecture-adjacent) self-published last year. If it’s not on your conference calendar yet, look up TH118 – Out in Architecture: Elevating LGBTQIA+ Stories to Build Equitable Futures. If you’re curious about the motley crew of co-authors, we’ve been slowly spotlighting each of the contributors on the Out in Architecture Instagram. So looking forward to catching up with this phenomenal group, continuing to spread awareness and acceptance, and foster solidarity. Excitement is the glitter-bomb of emotions because it gets itself on everything else, so it’s definitely mixed with…
Apprehension! Have you ever been to an AIA Conference? Even if you have, step into my shoes for a minute: smol genderqueer Asian American me, swimming among thousands of people who all seem to know each other already (how??) or do not look approachable at all (think architecture firm owner vibes, iykyk), just trying to get to the seminar session I signed up for. Once I’m in the session, I’m fighting to stay awake because the entire presentation is geared toward architecture firm owners… 🙃🙃🙃 Not the best place on earth. I do think my network of queer (and non-queer) architects has really blossomed over the past five years (which was when I last attended an in-person AIA Conference), so I’ve been making plans to see people and hopefully will also run into all the folks I haven’t made plans with!
Zealous! On Saturday, the very first AIA-sponsored LGBTQIA+ in Architecture Symposium will take place! We’re all going to be in one room, talking about queer visibility, advocacy, and design. I’m definitely going to bring in some hot takes about architectural education and designing queer space. Because 28% of new college graduates identify as LGBTQIA+!!! And because we are more powerful when we work together, and that’s what this symposium will do—bring us together. And because, as trans activist and lawyer, Chase Strangio, said: “Visibility without solidarity is a trap. Visibility without safety is a trap. We need so much more than visibility.” Let’s goooooo!!!!!!!!
…this enthusiasm is mixed with…FOMO! There are so many interesting events and seminars and parties that I won’t get to go to… and I want to learn alllll the things. Not to mention all of the wonderful people I know who will be honored for being elevated to Fellowship—congrats!!! Alas, I do not have a time turner, but I wish I did.
A quick plug for a happy hour event I’m helping to organize, if your conference calendar isn’t already full: Association for Community Design will be at Bartaco on Thursday. Come hang! Info and RSVP here.
Appreciation! DC Pride is the same weekend and I feel so lucky I get to experience it! Every time Pride month rolls around, I feel so much gratitude for all of the queers who came before me for protesting, rioting, and pushing for change—so much so that Pride weekends are such well-known celebrations all over the world. It feels good to know the queers will be extra out and about the weekend I’m there for AIA!
…mixed with…Foreboding! Just a funny feeling, always lurking. This time, it’s partially because I will be celebrating my birthday at the conference (on Thursday, the same day as the Out in Architecture panel). My anxious brain also wonders about what could go wrong, and there are so. many. things. that could 😬 Who doesn’t get a little nervous about attending a huge, overstimulating event, amirite???
Acceptance - that the AIA Conference is what it is. In the past, I’ve expressed a desire to move away from advocacy through the AIA. I’ve found much more authentic belonging in “alternative” spaces that I’ve actively helped create from scratch. I still don’t entirely feel like an “AIA architect,” despite attaching the letters to my email signature, and we’ll see how I actually feel once I get to this year’s conference… But what I’m learning is that there are so many ways to participate, to push for change in the field of architecture. And all of those ways are needed, because there are layers and levels and dimensions that all need to shift away from the status quo.
…and that’s mixed with…Urgency - to shake things up! To make lasting changes! A lot can happen at a conference… let’s get this thing going!!!!
Once again, thank you for reading this newsletter. It really would not exist without you.
I hope these words inspire in some way, shape, or form.
Until next time,